“The key to realising a dream is to focus not on success but on significance…” -Oprah Winfrey.
Other Projects
As well as my solo written plays, I am passionate about projects that come from unexpected encounters, residencies, co-creation, collaboration. These explore themes that unite us all. Projects include- An evolving interactive storybook exploring primary school children’s relationship with the climate change crisis A Rainbow for Amala; a contemplative, collaborative, celebratory and unique work, based on people’s experiences of loss during the pandemic Final Farewell; Filmed monologues showing how people from underserved communities have been affected by the Covid Pandemic, and underlining the importance of COVID-19 research in developing treatments and vaccines for all Covid and me; the role of touch in our lives and wellbeing Touchstone Tales and conversations across continents between female artists in India and their diasporic sisters in UK Sisters.
Covid & Me
Sudha wrote, translated, and performed fictional monologues in this award-winning Theatre of Debate project. Covid and me captures authentic patient voices and gives a compelling window into the lives of people from under-served communities and their personal reasons for deciding to take part in Covid treatment and vaccine trials
Touchstone Tales
Watch/Listen to/Read this unique collection of illuminating stories of Lutonians, seen through the prism of touch. Fictional self-portraits and a crowd sourced/ co created film, Ramadan in Lockdown Luton inspired by Sudha’s residency in Bury Park, Luton during this unprecedented time, when Covid 19 stole human contact. A Revoluton Arts/Wellcome Collection commission.
A Rainbow for Amala
Sudha is the writer on A Rainbow for Amala, an interactive storybook developed as part of The Other Way Works’ Green Shoots project. The creative team are excited to share a short prototype extract. The experience is aimed at children aged 8-11 (Year 4,5 & 6 of Primary School) to read and play together with a grandparent or adult carer.
Created by Kully Thiarai, Sameera Iyengar and other female artists from the south Asian diaspora. This all-female work-in-progress by leading British-Asian and Indian artists aimed to hold a mirror up to life as a south Asian woman today, wherever she lives; the echoes and the contradictions, the (in)visibility and comradeship, all told with playfulness, honesty and humour.
A Final Farewell
Final Farewell is a moving theatrical experience that captures the voices of individuals and a little black pug in these poignant audio stories. Each of these stories have been carefully crafted by writer Sudha Bhuchar, who has spoken and listened in depth to real people’s memories and accounts of their loved ones who were lost during Covid-19.